What is
Hexavalent chromium, chromium 6, Cr (VI), chromium 6 a human carcinogen IARC-1. The EPA estimates that 8 out of 100 workers, the Cr (VI) developed lung cancer *.
Other health risks from exposure to chromium 6 are irritating to eyes, lungs, nose, throat and skin. The long-term exposure to Cr (VI) can cause ulcers form on the skin, and a person can then allergies that can cause even the slightest exposure to a severe rash. Permanent eyeThe damage can result from exposure, as well as damage and ulcers on the mucous membranes of the nose.
On May 30, 2006 OSHA published a new standard ** of hexavalent chromium, also referred to as Cr VI and Cr 6 +, the welding, painting, and others.
What can cause the exposure and are at risk?
Occupational exposure among workers that can occur:
Handle dry chromate containing pigments
metal welding, cutting or machine such as chromiumStainless steel
Do not use chrome plating baths
chromium-based spray paints and varnishes
Exposure measurements
The "action level" OSHA for the potential exposure to chromium 6 is 2.5 micrograms per cubic meter, or PEL (permissible exposure limit), 5 micrograms / cubic meter, which is measured as the average time of 8 hours ( TWA).
Under the OSHA standard "The employer has control over the initial 8-hour TWA exposure to determinecharacterize each employee on the basis of a sufficient number of personal breathing zone samples of air exactly full shift exposure ...". In short, each employer of workers with potential exposure to chromium 6 has carried out an initial test to determine whether the 'air exposure of workers is above or below the OSHA action level of 2.5 micrograms per cubic meter.
If less than the effect levels tested of 2.5 micrograms per cubic meter are to be no further actiontaken, unless a change in their process, changes in exposure occur. If this happens, the air to further analysis of fact.
When air samples are equal to or greater than 2.5 micrograms per cubic meter, the employer must continue to air samples every 6 months.
If the test shows a concentration greater than 5 micrograms per cubic meter, the employer must "corrective measures" and continues to air samples every 3 months.
What defines "Corrective Action"?
Again, asaccording to OSHA, "The employer must use engineering controls and work practices to reduce and maintain exposure of workers to the sixth or below the PEL unless the employer can demonstrate that such controls can not Chrome ".
technical protection measures, such as to identify the correct use of renewable *** smoke may contribute to the levels PEL enough to prevent the implementation of working practices that changes the process by which the exposure or the use of "areas regulated "creates. Source recordFiltration can minimize or eliminate the need for a regulated area and all the expense involved.
What are "restricted areas"?
regulated areas are clearly marked space around a building process (VI) Cr exposure at or above the PEL measure 5 micrograms per cubic meter.
For workers who move into employment or through a regulated area, the employer must provide the following protective measures to limitDisplay:
Work clothes and uniforms
Laundry service for uniforms or work clothes
Baths and showers
safe areas for breaks and meals
Staff of medical surveillance for any worker who enters a regulated area
In addition, employers must monitor employees who enter a controlled area to make sure not to eat, drink, smoke or chew gum, rub your eyes or stick their fingers in the mouth, underother things.
* Http: / / www.epa.gov/iris/subst/0144.htm
** Http: / / www.osha.gov / SLTC / hexavalentchromium / hex_regulatory_text.html
*** Please note, to ensure the use of air purifiers do not get to a particular user below the OSHA PEL of 5 micrograms per cubic meter. Many factors outside the control equipment for purification of air affects the overall efficiency, including but not limited to, the position of the cap, or peripheral origin of acquisition over the welding, cutting,Process or exposure causes. Drafts Side of fans to replace the filters when they are not creating offline, either due to manufacturing defects or faulty filter misuse by the user are some circumstances beyond our control. With the fans, welding fumes also lead exposure shot of the welder below the PEL, however, a new regulated area in the direction of the exhaust fans to create.
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